Misterchat Your Customer Service
Misterchat Your Customer Service
27 augustus 2021
Is customer service important?

Yes, of course! Satisfied customers are undoubtedly worth their weight in gold. They return, share their experience with others and even bring in new customers. In a way, they are your brand's signboard. With customer service, you go the extra mile to make your customer feel good about buying a product or service.

In this blog we will explain if your company is suitable for a customer service with live chat, why big companies like T-mobile understand the importance of good customer service and give you some tips.

Why good customer service is indispensable

Even more important than making already satisfied customers even more satisfied, is making dissatisfied customers happy. A customer service department is also extremely well suited for this because you can tackle the pain immediately. In fact, customer service is your most important online marketing channel. 

And if you choose to use a customer service, it should be used optimally. A customer service that is half-baked and slow to respond will create dissatisfied and irritated customers. What is a good customer service? Make use of the tips below. 

Tips for good customer service
  1. Be human - Answers can be written down, emotions cannot. A good customer service representative recognizes emotions and knows how to anticipate them. 
  2. Language skills - No one is 100% perfect, and the same goes for customer service agents. However, good language skills are important.
  3. Off the beaten track - To satisfy customers, you sometimes have to go the extra mile. So do that. Go off the beaten track!
  4. Speed - The number one frustration of visitors is slow customer service. Respond quickly and appropriately.
  5. Keep developing - The company can't stand still. Neither can customer service. Train, test and update customer service staff based on the latest standards.

If you're having trouble ticking off or dealing with the tips above, it might be wise to ask yourself if customer service is right for you.

Is customer service right for me?

As mentioned, good customer service is worth its weight in gold. Large companies like T-mobile, Ziggo and PostNL all understand this. They understand that satisfied customers are the foundation for success. It is therefore logical that these companies choose to set up complete customer service departments.

But what if you can't take that step, simply because you don't fit into the shoes of these companies or because you don't have the capabilities to set up a customer service department? Then you can outsource customer service! 

When asked if customer service is right for your business, our answer is: Sure! It's just a question of whether you take it up yourself or whether we get going. 

Oursource customer service

By outsourcing your customer service, you will still be able to speak to your customers without your own customer service department. You focus on what you are good at, and we focus on what we are good at. Our chatmasters are ready for you and your visitors straight away and get to work after being properly briefed. This way, your customer service is online 24/6.

We take the questions of website visitors, just like the larger parties, and answer them within 5 seconds. We do all this with our own customer service software. In a clear report you receive all contact moments and if there is an urgency, we will contact you directly.

Customer service software

Remote customer service is made possible by customer service software. This software bundles various channels and makes every contact transparent. Unfortunately, most of the customer service software that you encounter online has one major drawback. You have to answer messages yourself, and often you don't have the time. 

It's nice that this customer service software offers your customers a channel to get in touch, but without answering it, it's still useless. Since we like to think in terms of solutions instead of problems, we have created a solution. 

Customer service software from MisterChat

At MisterChat we have 24/6 chatmasters at your service. We do not only provide the software, but also the answering service. Unlike other customer service software providers, we do not see customer service as a product, but as a service. That is where our strength lies. 

We handle all incoming messages and report them weekly, so you know exactly what is going on with your website/webshop visitors. This is not the only thing we do, by the way. Would you like to handle all incoming phone calls as well as chats? No problem, we can do that for you as well with the help of our inbound marketing possibilities.

With MisterChat you intercept the customer that is orientating online before the competition does. With us as your digital shop door you welcome visitors and invite them to make contact. By doing so you offer a better customer experience and you will achieve more conversions.  

Curious about the results of your own chat service? Test us now during a 7-day trial period.

Never miss out on another opportunity!

Don't let clients pass you by, make use of our chat service, where your potential clients are welcomed 24/6! Start today!

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